cheng wrote:
 > hi a problem about dict:
 > print target, dict[target]
 > get output:
 > keyword
 > {page3.html, page2.html, page1.html}
 > is it some ways to change it to:
 > keyword
 > {page1.html, page2.html, page3.html}

First, I would recommend you always post actual code and its output.
It is much easier for people to help you that way.  Also, "dict" is
not a good variable name because it shadows the built-in of the same

I'll extrapolate from your message that you want to get the values of
the dict in sorted order.  If so, here's how:

 >>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c':3}
 >>> d
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}
 >>> v = d.values()
 >>> v
[1, 3, 2]
 >>> v.sort()
 >>> v
[1, 2, 3]
Benji York

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