On Nov 23, 9:43 am, Arnaud Delobelle <arno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> T0_orig is a list and you are trying to multiply this list by a float
> (m**-1)

Yes, yes of course. Thanks! :)

This works:
    T0_orig = [5, 50, 500, 5000]
    for counter in T0_orig:
        T0 = (L**2)/(D*pi**2)*counter
        amax = T0/kappa
        alpha = (10**-6)*amax
        lambda_, xx, f = nonhomog_solver(kappa, alpha, nu, nx)
        V0 = sqrt( counter*(m**-1) + pi**2 * D/(m*L**2)*lambda_ )
        print "V0 = ", V0
        print ""

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