Raphael Zulliger wrote: long version: I'm using ctypes to load my own dll. There exists 2 > version of this dll - a debug and a release version (where one is linked > against debug C runtime dll and the other to release C runtime dll). Now > I have to change the name of the dll I want to be loaded by ctypes... > But how can I find out which of the dll I have to load?!
calling GetModuleFileName (in kernel32.dll) on sys.dllhandle should give you the name of the current Python DLL. something like this should work: from ctypes import * MAX_PATH = 500 filename = c_buffer(MAX_PATH) windll.kernel32.GetModuleFileNameA(sys.dllhandle, filename, MAX_PATH) filename = filename.value </F> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list