Raphael Zulliger schrieb:
> Hi
> I have to check wheter a .py script is run within the debug or the 
> release version of an embedded python interpreter (in short, wheter 
> python24_d.dll or python24.dll is in use).
> long version: I'm using ctypes to load my own dll. There exists 2 
> version of this dll - a debug and a release version (where one is linked 
> against debug C runtime dll and the other to release C runtime dll). Now
> I have to change the name of the dll I want to be loaded by ctypes... 
> But how can I find out which of the dll I have to load?!
> Thanks in advance!
> Raphael Zulliger

You could use imp.get_suffixes(). In a release build the returned list 
will contain these entries
('.pyd', 'rb', 3), ('.dll', 'rb', 3)
in a debug build that will be
('_d.pyd', 'rb', 3), ('_d.dll', 'rb', 3)

Another way would be to look at the filename of any binary extension 
module.  _ctypes.__file__, for example:  '.....\\_ctypes.pyd' vs. 


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