Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
Brandon McCombs wrote:
I'm building an elevator simulator for a class assignment. I recently
ran into a roadblock and don't know how to fix it. For some reason, in
my checkQueue function below, the call to self.goUp() is never executed.
sorry about the formatting
While I can certainly forgive you the formatting (my problem is rather that
you didn't reduce the code to the smallest possible example
so I missed a few lines, so sue me.

), Python wont.
Python is a language where whitespace is significant and can subtly change
the meaning of your code.


for i in range(0,self.newPassengers):
The formatting here is completely removed, but there are two conceivable
ways this could be formatted:
already aware. I reformatted tabs to reduce the line wrap so it was 
easier for readers to read it.
# variant 1
for i in range(0,self.newPassengers):

#variant 2
for i in range(0,self.newPassengers):
either one of those should still execute self.goUp(). I'm not getting 
anything though no matter where I place the function call.
Someone already mentioned PEP 8 (search the web!). These PEPs could be
called the standards governing Python behaviour, and PEP 8 actually defines
several things concerning the formatting of sourcecode. Apply it unless you
have a good reason not to.

Further, you should run Python with "-t" as argument on the commandline.
This will give you warnings when it encounters inconsistent tab/spaces
usage. This can make a difference.
Yeah I already tried that using 'tabnanny' I think it was called to 
diagnose one function that I decided to create and the -t option gave me 
false information. I determined that I had a tab in front of the 
function name (just like many others) however the actual fix was to put 
in spaces until it lined up with all the other 'def' lines.

    #variant 3
    for i in range(0,self.newPassengers):

If your editor is set to four spaces per tab, this will look like variant 2,
with 8 spaces it will look like variant 1. I don't know (and don't care,
since PEP-8 mandates four spaces) which interpretation Python actually

Lastly, you can simplify your check_queue() function. First, determine the
number of free places inside the elevator. Then, you simply append that
many passengers from the waiting list to the passenger list:

  free = MAX_CAPACITY - len(self.passengers)
  new_passengers = self.passenger_wait_queue[:free]
  self.passenger_wait_queue = self.passenger_wait_queue[free:]
  self.passengers += new_passengers

This uses the fact that list indices are automatically truncated to a valid
range, so requesting the elements 0 to 10 from a 5-element list will only
yield those five elements, not raise an exception. It's up to you though
which version is clearer to you. I would perhaps bail out if "free == 0"
and then also not call go_up() lateron.

so you made other recommendations but didn't address my original 
question unless I missed it somewhere.

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