I was looking at the code, I dont have much time to go through it, but I might 
have found a typo - yield (p.destination - self.currenteFloor) , I think it 
should be currentFloor.Maybe thats your problem. Will look into the code more 


On 05-Aug-2010, at 12:55 PM, Brandon McCombs wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm building an elevator simulator for a class assignment. I recently ran 
> into a roadblock and don't know how to fix it. For some reason, in my 
> checkQueue function below, the call to self.goUp() is never executed. It is 
> on the last line of code I pasted in. I can put print statements before and 
> after the call and I have a print statement in goUp() itself.  Only the print 
> statements before and after the call are executed. The one inside goUp() is 
> never executed because goUp() never seems to be executed. How can that be? I 
> don't get any errors when the script executes. Surely this isn't some 
> limitation I'm encountering?
> thanks
> sorry about the formatting
> ---------------------------------------------
> class Elevator(Process):
> def __init__(self,name):
>       Process.__init__(self,name=name)
>       self.numPassengers = 0
>       self.passengerList = []
>       self.passengerWaitQ = []
>       self.currentFloor = 1
>       self.idle = 1
>       self.newPassengers = 0
> def goUp(self):
>       print "here"
>       bubbleSort(self.passengerList, len(self.passengerList))
>       self.currentFloor += 1
>       if len(self.passengerList) > 0:
>          for p in self.passengerList:
>             if self.currentFloor == p.destination:
>               yield (p.destination - self.currenteFloor) * TRAVELTIME, self
>               reactivate(p)
>               p.inBuilding()
>             else:
>               self.goUp()
> def checkQueue(self):
>       if (len(self.passengerWaitQ)) > 0 and len(self.passengerList) < 
>       if len(self.passengerWaitQ) < MAXCAPACITY:
>           self.newPassengers = len(self.passengerWaitQ)
>       else:
>            self.newPassengers = MAXCAPACITY - len(self.passengerList)
>       for i in range(0,self.newPassengers):
>         self.passengerList.append(self.passengerWaitQ.pop())
>       self.goUp()
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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