On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Edward Diener
<eldie...@tropicsoft.invalid> wrote:
> On 7/25/2010 5:57 PM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
> So if a standard library module ( or distributed library ) executes a call
> internally to 'python xxx yyy' or executes a call internally to
> 'someScript.py yyy', you're fine with multiple co-existing versions of
> Python on your system ?
> Because under Windows the first call will look for the python.exe first
> found in the PATH while the second call will find the python.exe associated
> with the .py extension. And it does not matter in either case what version
> of the multiple installed versions of Python which are on my system is
> currently executing that script.
> And please don't say that there is some sort of guarantee that no library or
> installation would invoke Python in such a way as opposed to the normal
> 'import AScript.py' method of using functionality in Python scripts.
Edward, I'm having a really hard time understanding your problem.
Could you give an example of some real code that is causing you