Edward Diener wrote:
Are there any documents about multiple versionsof Python coexisting in the same OS ( Windows in my case ) and what pitfalls to look out for ? I have already run into a number of them. I installed Python 2.7 and 3.1.2 into completely folders, but immediately ran into serious problems executing a Python script.

The first problem is that just invoking Python will start whichever version is first in the PATH, and this is true from the command line or internally in a Python script.

The second problem is that invoking a script ( some xxx.py ) will start whichever version of Python is associated with the .py extension.

The third problem is if some software expects its scripts, which it puts in some Python subdirectory to be in the PATH.

There may be other considerations but overall having to versions coexisting has turned out to be a big headache involving both changes in the PATH and in the .py association.

Does anybody know of other things to look out for ?

There is this:

We have a good group in NYC for python and django. That's where I learned about virtualevn. I admit I'm not fully up to speed on it, but it lets you set up multiple 'virtual environments' for python to do exactly what I think you are asking about

Joel Goldstick

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