sturlamolden, 04.07.2010 05:30:
I was just looking at Debian's benchmarks. It seems LuaJIT is now (on
median) beating Intel Fortran!

C (gcc) is running the benchmarks faster by less than a factor of two.
Consider that Lua is a dynamically typed scripting language very
similar to Python.

LuaJIT also runs the benchmarks faster than Java 6 server, OCaml, and

I know it's "just a benchmark" but this has to count as insanely
impressive. Beating Intel Fortran with a dynamic scripting language,
how is that even possible? And what about all those arguments that
dynamic languages "have to be slow"?

If this keeps up we'll need a Python to Lua bytecode compiler very
soon. And LuaJIT 2 is rumoured to be much faster than the current...

In case anyone's interested, I uploaded a wrapper for LuaJIT2 to PyPI:

It's written in Cython and heavily borrows from the existing Lua wrapper LunaticPython, with a couple of enhancements and a couple of yet missing features.



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