sturlamolden, 04.07.2010 19:10:
On 4 Jul, 19:02, Stefan Behnel wrote:

A number like "1.5 times faster" is meaningless without a specific
application and/or code section in mind. I'm pretty sure there are cases
where they are much faster than that, and there are cases where the net
gain is zero (or -0.x or whatever).

Here is what they say:

Benchmark   CPython   Unladen   Change
2to3        25.13 s   24.87 s   1.01x faster
django       1.08 s    0.68 s   1.59x faster
html5lib    14.29 s   13.20 s   1.08x faster
nbody        0.51 s    0.28 s   1.84x faster
rietveld     0.75 s    0.55 s   1.37x faster
slowpickle   0.75 s    0.55 s   1.37x faster
slowspitfire 0.83 s    0.61 s   1.36x faster
slowunpickle 0.33 s    0.26 s   1.26x faster
spambayes    0.31 s    0.34 s   1.10x slower

Ok, so, which of those do you care about?



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