On 07/09/2010 06:32 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
i have been asked to guarantee that a proposed Python application will
run continuously under MS Windows for two months time. And i am looking
to know what i don't know.
Heh. The OS won't stay up that long.
While I'm not sure how much of Roy's comment was "hah, hah, just
serious", this has been my biggest issue with long-running Python
processes on Win32 -- either power outages the UPS can't handle,
or (more frequently) the updates (whether Microsoft-initiated or
by other vendors' update tools) require a reboot for every
${EXPLETIVE}ing thing. The similar long-running Python processes
I have on my Linux boxes have about 0.1% of the reboots/restarts
for non-electrical reasons (just kernel and Python updates).
As long as you're not storing an ever-increasing quantity of data
in memory (write it out to disk storage and you should be fine),
I've not had problems with Python-processes running for months.
If you want belt+suspenders with that, you can take others'
recommendations for monitoring processes and process separation
of data-gathering vs. front-end GUI/web interface.