i have been asked to guarantee that a proposed Python application will run continuously under MS Windows for two months time. And i am looking to know what i don't know.

The app would read instrument data from a serial port, store the data in file, and display in matplotlib. typical sampling times are about once per hour. our design would be to read the serial port once a second (long story, but it worked for ten days straight so far) and just store and display the values once an hour. so basically we'd have a long running for-loop. maybe running in a separate thread.

i have thought through the issues on our end: we have to properly handle the serial port and make sure our GUI doesn't hang easily. we'd have to be sure we don't have any memory leaks in numpy or matplotlib and we're not storing data in memory stupidly. i've never looked into Windows serial port driver reliability over the long term. But we think if the serial port hangs, we can detect that and react accordingly.

but none of this has anything to do with Python itself. i am sure python servers have been running reliably for long periods of time, but i've never had to deal with a two-month guarantee before. is there something else i am missing here that i should be concerned about on the pure-Python side of things? something under the hood of the python interpreter that could be problematic when run for a long time?

or need we only concern ourselves with the nuts behind the wheel:that is, we the developers?



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