* Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet, on 08.07.2010 01:47:

     enum DoAddRef { doAddRef };

     class Ptr
         PyObject*   p_;

         Ptr( PyObject* p = 0 ): p_( p )

         Ptr( PyObject* p, DoAddRef ): p_( p )
             assert( p != 0 );
             Py_INCREF( p_ );

         Ptr( Ptr const& other ): p_( other.p_ )
             Py_XINCREF( p_ );

             Py_XDECREF( p_ );

         void swapWith( Ptr& other ) { std::swap( p_, other.p_ ); }
         Ptr& operator=( Ptr other ) { swapWith( other ); return *this; }

         PyObject* get() const       { return p_; }

         PyObject* release()
             PyObject* const result  = p_;
             Py_XDECREF( p_ );

Hark. This Py_XDECREF shouldn't be there, I don't know how it got there. The whole point of 'release', with conventional semantics, is to /not/ decrement the reference count.

             p_ = 0;
             return result;

Sorry for posting unfinished code,

- Alf

PS: "pyni" was a good name. But in use! When I thought about adding the "s" as disambiguation I thought the pure shock value of that was funny in a way, but now it doesn't seem funny. Is "pytes" (Python Extension Support) a good name?

blog at <url: http://alfps.wordpress.com>

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