Stephen Hansen suggests running this line before running or testing code:

python -m compileall -f .

Noted. Will do.

Stephen also mentions, along with many others, that using CGI these days is
silly (my word). Noted. I'll switch over, but not today. Got other things
more pressing ;)

DavidA corrects me:

> Since you didn't name your modules (what you persist in calling scripts),
> I can only guess their names from the import statements:
> e.g.:
>from New_Passengers_Curr_Customers import New_Passengers_Curr_Customers
>I don't see any case difference there.

Right. Gotcha. Started that because I saw others doing it. A bad habit? The
file (in this case) has only one method, to
wit, New_Passengers_Curr_Customers(). Not a good idea? Please clarify and if
not, why.
Thanks all,

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