Stephen Hansen wrote:
On 6/12/10 12:50 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 14:42:27 -0400, Victor Subervi
<> declaimed the following in
ls -al
reveals *no* *.pyc files.
Which would seem to indicate that you have no user modules that are
imported into other modules when run. And that there is no sharing of
data between the modules you have.
Not really; pyc file generation is "optional". Its a performance
enhancement, but if it doesn't work, there's no problem.
No pyc files indicates to me that the web process doesn't have *write*
access to this directory, which is actually entirely fine and dandy. I'd
just pre-compile them all first, because otherwise Python has to read
the original source, parse and build up bytecode for each file every
I'd "python -m compileall -f ." whenever you edit a file and before testing.
I thought python (well, cpython, at least) didn't use .pyc files for the
main script?