On 6/13/2010 7:40 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
You want to contribute to the stdlib? No problem, it's easy! I did so
recently. You file an issue on the python.org bug tracker, describing
the problem, and attach a patch that fixes it. A nice developer with
commit rights will be with you shortly.

That is more true now than is used to be. Last week while reviewing older issues tagged with 2.5, I found
a bug report with patch with no comments for two years. I verified that the problem still existed in 3.1, read the patch, suggested application, and now the fix has been applied to 3.2.

Three points here:
1. even if an issue does not get immediae attention, someone will see it eventually.
2. people are needed to make it sooner than later.
3. almost anyone reading this could have typed 'import struct' and pasted in the two examples, like I did, and report the result. People who cannot change the header fields as I did can request assistence on #python chat channed or post change suggestions here or email someone like me or just suggest changes in the issue message, which will very likely get seen by someone who can respond.

Terry Jan Reedy


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