On Jun 9, 11:16 am, ant <shi...@uklinux.net> wrote:

> And who are the beginning programmers going to turn into? If we do our
> stuff right, Python programmers. If not,
> Java or PHP or Visual Basic programmers. Or website designers. Or
> worse (is there a worse?).

 yes - Java programmers who use COM under Win32 to connect to a OCX
browser plugin written in Visual Basic, in a website written in PHP.

 no - wait: Java programmers who use COM under Win32 to connect to a
Silverlight .NET application written in Visual Basic, in a website
written in PHP.

 yeeehawww.  got all the god-awful trite crap which has driven people
nuts for years, and into the welcoming and consoling arms of the
python community, alll into one gory sentence.



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