On May 31, 2010, at 7:13 AM, Jason D wrote:

 The major Red Hat based Linux distros are still shipping with
Python 2.4.
As a result, almost all hosting providers are running obsolete
versions of

 The big problem seems to be that "cPanel" and
"yum" still use older versions
of Python, and those programs are more important to distro builders
than Python

 Is anybody trying to do something about this?

                                        John Nagle

I am not sure of Fedora, CentOs 5.x ships with Python 2.5 . The version of python depends a lot on everything else that is packed into the system and uses python. e.g. GUI based tools, system scripts etc.

Hi Jason,
CentOS is based on RHEL SRPMs. How could it ship a more advanced version of Python than RHEL?

I have CentOS 5.4 installed, and it only offers Python 2.4.3.

And distrowatch.org backs this up -- the latest Python available for Centos 5.x is 2.4:

Did you perhaps install Python 2.5 on your own by compiling the source tarball?


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