Hello, and thank you for ALL the informations. i think i was reading the wrong documents :)
For my use of ABC, i wanted to implement a plugin interface with the ABC, in first i define a Base class (ABC) that other class inherit(implement) so that they can be interfaced as plugins. but i did have some confusing about the privates method . thank you all again. Khalil_ibn_Ahmad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalil_ibn_Ahmad) sayed : They are 4 kind of man : the one that know that he don't know, this is a ignorant so teach him the one that know that he know, this is a savant so take from him the knowledge the one that don't know that he know, this one has forget so remind him the one that don't know that he don't know , this is a fool -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list