mouadino a écrit :
and thanx for your answer it's was very helpful
but just to clear some thinks :
There's no such thing as a "private" attribute in Python. The
name-mangling mechanism invoked by "__name" is really meant to avoid
accidental redefinition of the attribute in a derived class.
In this case, your attribute is expected to be redefined, so you
definitly don't want any name mangling here.
yes , but what i have supposed is that the name mangling will not be
applied when you use abc especially when you decorate the function
with abc.abstractmethod , because it's will(should) be redefined (so
something is wrong with the abc module) .
I agree this might be a bit inconsistant - or at least that your
expectations were rather understandable. But well, that's how it is and
you'll have to deal with it for at least a few years.
Now I bet the name_mangling mechanism is applied in such a way that
implementing your expectations would be rather impractical or add way to
much overhead. Specially when almost no one ever seem to find a use for
this "feature". As far as I'm concerned, I think I didn't used it more
half a dozen times, for some very deep implementation detail of some
miniframework, and mostly because I'm a bit on the paranoid side.
Also and FWIW, the naming convention for "implementation attributes" is
a single leading underscore
sorry but i don't agree on this.
So you disagree with the established convention followed by (wild guess)
about 99.99% of the regulars here and applied in most of the existing
python code base.
the two underscore (__) are used in
classes level for defining private method in the python way,
The __names are used to invoke name mangling on the attribute (whatever
type it is). It doesn't make it "private" - just a bit less subject to
accidental override. And - I have ton insist on this - it applies to
every attribute. FWIW, Python's "methods" are really not what you may
think they are !-)
and the
one underscore (_) is used in the module level :
... to avoid export such named symbols in the case of a wildcard import
AND if the module didn't defined an __ALL__ attribute.
The _names are used to denote implementation attribute - IOW, don't
touch unless you're ready to pay the price.
"""Prepending a single underscore (_) has some support for protecting
module variables and functions (not included with import * from).
Prepending a double underscore (__) to an instance variable or method
effectively serves to make the variable or method private to its class
(using name mangling). """
This is at best badly formulated and really needs a rewrite.