On Apr 11, 9:39 pm, Raymond Hettinger <pyt...@rcn.com> wrote:

> The overall algorithm looks about right.
> The inner-loop could be tighted-up a bit.
> And you could replace the outer sort with a heap.
> best2 = {}
> for i in itertools.combinations(range( 2**m), n-1):
>     scorelist = []
>     for j in range( 2**m ):
>         if j not in i:
>             k = tuple(sorted(i + (j,)))
>             scorelist.append((j, res[k][k.index(j)]))
>     best2[i] = heapq.nlargest(2, scorelist,
> key=operator.itemgetter(1))
> Raymond

Thanks for the ideas... I should have seen the k = tuple(sorted(i +
(j,))). I'm not sure a heap will help much, and at least to me,
doesn't improve readability.

Thanks for taking a look, I appreciate it!


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