On 2010-04-11, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:

> The problem isn?t that it?s ?incorrectly? indented, it?s two
> different pieces of code (correctly) indented according to two
> different conventions, and how you reconcile them without introducing
> logic errors into the code.

I've never run into that problem, but it shold be simple enough to do
that in an automated way as well.  Don't reindent and pindent work as

>> In a brace delimited language it's not possible to write a program to
>> correctly place braces in an "incorrectly braced" program.

> But with braces it?s easy enough to reconcile different indentation 
> conventions without introducing logic errors into the code.

Reconciling indention in an indention-delimited language doesn't
correspond to reconciling indentation in a brace-delimited language,
so comparing them doesn't really make sense.



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