Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:

>> The same goes for indentation.  In python it's not possible to write
>> a program to correctly indent code that isn't alaready correctly
>> indented. 
> The problem isn’t that it’s “incorrectly” indented, it’s two
> different pieces of code (correctly) indented according to two
> different conventions, and how you reconcile them without introducing
> logic errors into the code. 

You use '' which a standard part of every Python release.
Except that should shouldn't because it messes up the version history.

>> In a brace delimited language it's not possible to write a program to
>> correctly place braces in an "incorrectly braced" program.
> But with braces it’s easy enough to reconcile different indentation 
> conventions without introducing logic errors into the code.
Except you shouldn't for the above mentioned reason.

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