Manuel Graune skrev:
Manuel Graune <> writes:

Just as an additional example, let's assume I'd want to add the area of
to circles.
which can be explained to anyone who knows
basic math and is not at all interested in

Third attempt. The markup now includes tagging of different parts of the code, and printing parts of the source based on a tag.

(Sorry about the mixture of python 2.X and python 3.X print statements, I use 2.5)

## Ignore
from __future__ import with_statement
import sys

def print_selected_source(tag = ""):
    is_printing = True
    with open(sys.argv[0]) as file:
        for line in file:
            if line.startswith("## Ignore"):
                is_printing = False
            elif line.startswith("## Show") and tag in line:
                is_printing = True
            elif is_printing:
                print line,

from math import pi as PI

## Show Code1
d1= 3.0
A1= d1**2 * PI / 4.0

## Ignore
print_selected_source(tag = "Code1")
print ("Area of Circle 1:\t", A1)

## Show Code2
d2= 5.0
A2= d2**2 * PI / 4.0

## Ignore
print_selected_source(tag = "Code2")
print ("Area of Circle 2:\t", A2)

Sum_Of_Areas= A1 + A2
print ("Sum of areas:\t", Sum_Of_Areas)

/ johan


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