On Apr 2, 11:12 am, Thomas Heller <thel...@ctypes.org> wrote:
> Maybe I'm just lazy, but what is the fastest way to convert a string
> into a tuple containing character sequences and integer numbers, like this:
> 'si_pos_99_rep_1_0.ita'  -> ('si_pos_', 99, '_rep_', 1, '_', 0, '.ita')

This is very probably not the fastest execution wise, it was the
fastest development time wise:

import re

def maybe_int(x):
        return int(x)
    except ValueError:
        return x

def strings_n_ints(s):
    return tuple(maybe_int(x) for x in re.findall('(\d+|\D+)', s))

>>> strings_n_ints('si_pos_99_rep_1_0.ita')
('si_pos_', 99, '_rep_', 1, '_', 0, '.ita')


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