On 01:14 am, srosbo...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I could use some advice on my project.
It's a browser-based MMOG: "The High Seas" (working title)
Basically it is a trading game set in 1600s or 1700s ... inspirations:
Patrician 3, Mine Things, Space Rangers 2, ...
Travel between cities takes several days: game updates trading ship
positions every 10 minutes. Apart from that it handles player input
to buy/sell goods, if their ship is in port.
I want the game logic and world state data storage on a webserver,
with players connecting via web browser. Also, I want to make an
"admin mode" client for me to keep track of the world and add changes
to game world stuff.
I want to use Python but I haven't ever used it in a web context.
http://wiki.python.org/moin/WebFrameworks lists several different
options for Python Web Frameworks: Django, Grok, Pylons, TurboGears,
web2py, Zope. I've heard of Django and Grok...that's about my level
of knowledge here.
My question: can any of these frameworks help me with what I'm trying
to do?
This is something that Twisted and Nevow Athena will probably be really
good at doing (a lot better than the ones you've mentioned above, I
You can find an Athena introduction here (at least for now, the content
might move to another site before too long):