Hi, I could use some advice on my project.

It's a browser-based MMOG: "The High Seas" (working title)

Basically it is a trading game set in 1600s or 1700s ... inspirations:
Patrician 3, Mine Things, Space Rangers 2, ...

Travel between cities takes several days: game updates trading ship
positions every 10 minutes.  Apart from that it handles player input
to buy/sell goods, if their ship is in port.

I want the game logic and world state data storage on a webserver,
with players connecting via web browser.  Also, I want to make an
"admin mode" client for me to keep track of the world and add changes
to game world stuff.

I want to use Python but I haven't ever used it in a web context.

http://wiki.python.org/moin/WebFrameworks lists several different
options for Python Web Frameworks: Django, Grok, Pylons, TurboGears,
web2py, Zope.  I've heard of Django and Grok...that's about my level
of knowledge here.

My question: can any of these frameworks help me with what I'm trying
to do?

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