Hi All-- Terry Reedy wrote: > > Conclusion 3: some people would apparently be happier with the Python docs > if they were combined into one Python Manual. This could be done as a > virtual anthology by writing a combined Table of Contents (with links) and > an Introduction discussing the various 'Parts' and their > interrelationships. It would not have to be limited to PSF material > either. I might even take a stab at it if I ever feel sufficiently > ambitious and energetic. >
There are a GREAT many brilliant minds on this list, many of them excellent writers (certain noisy parties excepted). I write, and I am certainly offering to help, but I think what's needed here is someone who can organize better than the average person. Terry might have the right idea; maybe all that is needed is a hot table of contents, although a few other repairs are in order, such as making the Documentation link on the python.org front page point to the right place. A documentation Tips page wouldn't hurt, either; all these handy little tricks people have been offering for my string methods problem ought to be on a highly visible page. No, not a 'How to find "string methods"' page, but "Tips & Tricks for Interrogating the Python Docs" page. Metta, Ivan ---------------------------------------------- Ivan Van Laningham God N Locomotive Works http://www.andi-holmes.com/ http://www.foretec.com/python/workshops/1998-11/proceedings.html Army Signal Corps: Cu Chi, Class of '70 Author: Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list