StepH wrote:
> Ron Adam a écrit :
>>StepH wrote:
>>>I'm not able to install BLT on my Python 2.4 (upgraded to 2.4.1) 
>>>I'v try to download btlz-for-8.3.exe, but when i try to install it, 
>>>i've a msgbox saying to the file is corrupt...
>>>Any idea ?
>>Have you tried blt2.4z-for-8.4exe?
> yes.  When i try to execute it, a small msgbox apprea with the msg:
> Corrupt installation detected!
> Any idea ?

Sounds like it might not be a corrupted install exe file, but a 
previously installed version that is corrupted.

Does the message box say anything else?  With just "Corrupt installation 
detected!", it could also be a support file or missing dll that the 
installer needs.



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