Ron Adam a écrit :
> StepH wrote:
>> Ron Adam a écrit :
>>> StepH wrote:
>>>> Ron Adam a écrit :
>>>>> StepH wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'm not able to install BLT on my Python 2.4 (upgraded to 2.4.1) 
>>>>>> distibution...
>>>>>> I'v try to download btlz-for-8.3.exe, but when i try to install 
>>>>>> it, i've a msgbox saying to the file is corrupt...
>>>>>> Any idea ?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> StepH.
>>>>> Have you tried blt2.4z-for-8.4exe?
>>>> yes.  When i try to execute it, a small msgbox apprea with the msg:
>>>> Corrupt installation detected!
>>>> Any idea ?
>>> Sounds like it might not be a corrupted install exe file, but a 
>>> previously installed version that is corrupted.
>> Hum, i've try to re-install all from scratch without success...
>>> Does the message box say anything else?  With just "Corrupt 
>>> installation detected!", it could also be a support file or missing 
>>> dll that the installer needs.
>> Yes.  It's the only message that is displayed.
>> I've to go ahead...  so for now i'll use tk.Canvas for my display...
>> If you have idea ?
> A little googling found the following which may give you a clue or ideas 
> of further searches.  Also run a virus scanner on the file before hand.

Argg...  I always find me stupid when i don't have find myself a such 
easy solution.  Running the .exe from C:\temp works, but now, even if 
the installation succes, i'm not able to run the pmw sample based on 
it...  Looks like i've now to re-install pmw or somethings like that.

I'll find it...

Thanks a lot for your help.

> As a last resort, you may also be able to check the exe file by using a 
> zip file reader such as winzip or powerarchiver.  You should be able to 
> extract the individual files that way, but it may be a bit of a task to 
> figure out where to put them.
> Hope this helps,
> _Ron


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