Terry Reedy wrote:

>Today I followed a link to an interesting Python application I have not 
>seen mentioned here before:  http://solipsis.netofpeers.net/wiki/HomePage/.
>"A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world "
>It is a France Telecom R&D project, LGPL licenced, still in alpha, built on 
>Python, Twisted, WxPthon, PIL, and probably other components actual or 
>considered.  The new Node software, rewritten with Twisted, was released 
>Terry J. Reedy

I was looking at this earlier today because I was curious how they were
going to handle performance concerns (both due to Python and bandwidth).
I'm having trouble understanding all of the details -- what is the
significance of the use of a torus for the world space? Does this
somehow help in the computation of the convex hull?

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