Joseph Garvin wrote:
> I was looking at this earlier today because I was curious how they were
> going to handle performance concerns (both due to Python and bandwidth).
> I'm having trouble understanding all of the details -- what is the
> significance of the use of a torus for the world space? Does this
> somehow help in the computation of the convex hull?

I'm having trouble understanding how they are going to make this work
server-less, pure peer-to-peer. I just tried it out and it was cool: I
could move around in the world, get near other avatars and say "hey".
Only, I couldn't hear what they said back to me because I don't have UDP
port 6000 open on my firewall and forwarding to my laptop (and don't
want to do that either).

It is a shame: peer to peer has the potential to enable really cool,
imaginative multiuser worlds, but how many people are connecting
directly to the internet these days?

pkm ~


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