On Feb 21, 7:39 pm, rantingrick <rantingr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mensanator snipped: """Yeah, I saw that. Funny that something
> important like that wasn't part of the announcement. I notice no
> mention of Mac OS, so visiting the website was a complete waste of
> time on my part, wasn't it?"""
> Oh Mensanator, why you always so grumpy?

Part of the job requirements of a gadfly.

> I visited your site a few
> years ago and i found it to be a complete waste of my time but you
> don't hear me whining about it do you?

Did I ever claim it wasn't?

> Besides mac is always the last
> to get releases (if any) everybody knows that.

I'm not complaining about the lack of Mac support, just that
it wasn't mentioned in the announcement.

> If you drive a porsche
> you can't get all upset every time you find yourself on road with pot-
> holes, your just not *that* important because you drive a porsche!

"You're" not getting the point.

> Please (in the future) leave the ranting to me, i'm better at it ;).
> Thanks for the release Noam, i look forward to "test driving" it.
> hehe  ;)


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