Mensanator snipped: """Yeah, I saw that. Funny that something important like that wasn't part of the announcement. I notice no mention of Mac OS, so visiting the website was a complete waste of time on my part, wasn't it?"""
Oh Mensanator, why you always so grumpy? I visited your site a few years ago and i found it to be a complete waste of my time but you don't hear me whining about it do you? Besides mac is always the last to get releases (if any) everybody knows that. If you drive a porsche you can't get all upset every time you find yourself on road with pot- holes, your just not *that* important because you drive a porsche! Please (in the future) leave the ranting to me, i'm better at it ;). Thanks for the release Noam, i look forward to "test driving" it. hehe ;) --