Paulo Repreza wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm having problems with a little script that I'm trying to finish, I
> don't know if I'm in the right track but I know somebody is going to
> help me.
> The script:
> # Import modules random for function randint
> import random
> # Generating a constant.
> var = 65
> # Generating a random number.
> ranum = random.randint(1,100)
> #Creating while loop. Stops until var == ranum
> while var != ranum:
>     if var == ranum:

The "if" condition can never be true, since if it were then the loop
would have just terminated before starting this iteration!

>         print var, 'equals to:', ranum
>     else:
>         print var, 'does not equal to:', ranum
Shouldn't there be something here to set ranum to a new value? Otherwise
the same value will be there the next time around ...

> ########## End of Script ###########
> What I'm trying to do is to print the new value that ranum generates if
> the condition is not met. So far if you run the script it prints the
> same value over and over again, making in an infinite loop. What can I
> do in order to print out the new value generated every time the
> condition is not met?
> Thanks!

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010
Holden Web LLC       


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