Hi Alf,
On Feb 12, 8:22 pm, "Alf P. Steinbach" <al...@start.no> wrote: > Thanks for the effort at non-flaming discussion, it *is* > appreciated. I would appreciate it if you tried to be non-flaming yourself, since you can see I am not flaming you. I was seeking to educate you on a simple matter which you seem to be misunderstanding in python. This will be my second and last attempt to do so since you chose to be inflammatory in your response. (In case you do not understand what I find inflammatory, I will discuss that at the end) Please note below I may use CAPS occasionally. Whilst usually taken as shouting, I mean them as BOLD. Please be aware of this :-) My reason for choosing to do reply is for the simple reason that recently I had similar discussions with a colleague who was likewise stuck talking about implementation aspects (call by reference/value rather than call with object/sharing). > > Before I start, note we're talking about semantics, not > > implementation. That distinction is very important. > > Yes. [ inflammatory comment snipped] Good - common ground - a good starting point. Now, if I define a language, this has 3 main parts: * Syntax * Semantics * Implementation The syntax of python is simply and shortly defined in a machine readable format, and is therefore not interesting to discuss here. The implementation of python is similarly well defined. There are multiple such implementations, one of which is CPython. > However, all those references to implementation aspects, > persisting [ inflammatory comment snipped] In theory when talking about a language, we do not need to talk about implementation details. However when using a language, implementation details do matter as well. That's why people talk about implementation aspects. When talking about how the language is defined, you need to talk about how the language is defined. It's not defined in terms of Java pointers or references. It's defined in terms of objects and names. (Or objects and labels) The exception to this is with pure functional language. In a pure functional language I do not care about implementation details, since they are outside the scope of the language. It is worth noting that python and functional languages share a common ethos - though with different conclusions - that optimising for the programmers expression of the problem rather than for the machine *matters*. If you miss this, you will be stuck misunderstanding python, pretty much forever. If you (the reader, not necessarily Alf) understand this, good. If you don't, you need to re-read this and really understand it. (please bear in mind when I say "YOU" in that paragraph, I mean "whomever is reading this", not anyone specific) Let's get down to brass tacks. In python, the LANGUAGE, there are no pointers or references, much like in SML, haskell and friends there are no pointers or references. I'm using SML here as an example, because it is conceptually close to python in terms to some aspects of evaluation and how it deals with names and values. (There are many differences as well, but we're dealing with calling, names & values, in which they are close enough) Taking an example from SML: structure Stk = struct exception EmptyStack; datatype 'x stack = EmptyStack | push of ('x * 'x stack); fun pop(push(x,y)) = y | pop EmptyStack = raise EmptyStack; fun top(push(x,y)) = x | top EmptyStack = raise EmptyStack; end; This may be used, say from the interactive prompt, as follows: val x = EmptyStack; (* 1 *) val 'x = x; (* 2 *) val y = push(5,'x); (* 3 *) val z = push(4,y); (* 4 *) top z; (* 5 *) Now, in this example, in SML, there are only names and values. Unlike python, all values are immutable, and theoretically, no sequencing of statements. Now line 1 takes the EmptyStack value, and the name x is bound to it. Line 2 takes that same EmptyStack value, and the name 'x is also bound to it. There are no pointers in SML, just names and values. Like python, SML has aliases. 'x for example is an alias for x. However that is just a symbolic name for the object itself. When line 3 is evaluated, the value push(5, 'x) is bound to the name y. Note - push(5, 'x) is in itself a value in SML, because it has been defined as such in the Datatype definition in the structure definition Stk. When we reach line 5, the function top is called with the value that z is bound to. Not a reference. Not a pointer. The actual value. In this case z's value is push(4,push(5,EmptyStack)). Thus the SML runtime evaluates the expression top push(4,push(5,EmptyStack)) And returns the value 4. In python, I don't have such richness of ability to define values, but I have these types play with: * numbers - 1.0 , 1, 1+2i, 0x11 0777 * strings - "hello" "world" * lists - ["hello", "world" ] * tuples - ("hello", "world") * dicts - {"hello" : "world" } All of these types are defined in python as python objects. How they are implemented is irrelevant. What is relevant is that lists and dicts are mutable. The rest are not. (This mutability, along with sequencing and iteration make python different from the pure subset of SML.) However, nonetheless when I type this: def hello(world): print world hello("world") When I call "hello", with the argument "world", the language is DEFINED, that *just like SML* I am passing in that specific object. Not a copy of a value (call by value). Not a reference to the value. Not a pointer to a value. But that specific actual object. This isn't willy nilly or on a whim, that's a concious choice. [ If this makes no sense, consider that python's history comes from a CS department like SML's does, rather than from an engineering department (ala C/C++/Java). Now you might turn around and say (since you have in the thread) "but in reality you're not _really_ passing in that object, you're passing in a reference", you're wrong. If the language defines it as passing in THAT object, then it defines it as passing in THAT object. But you can come back, as you have done, over and over and claim that it's a pointer or a reference, and may even say things like "well, according to this OTHER language's definition of this word, I mean this". That's nice, but ultimately broken. Using another languages way of defining something is wrong. In python it is *defined* as passing in the object. Not a reference. Not a pointer. The object itself. If it is a pointer or reference it has a value, and refers to a value. Essentially 2 values in 1. This is part of the accepted definition of pointer or reference. "A value that allows you to find another value". By claiming that in the below: >>> stack = () >>> stack_ = stack That stack is a reference to () and that stack_ is also a reference to () _in python the language_, then I must be able to get at the value of stack itself, and the value of stack_ itself. You claim to be able to do this thus: >>> id(stack) 3078742060L >>> id(stack_) 3078742060L On the surface of things, this sounds like a good claim, but it isn't. If it was a reference, its type would be a reference. It isn't: >>> type(id(stack)) <type 'long'> >>> type(id(stack_)) <type 'long'> That value is an integer. Additionally, if these "id" values were references, then I would be able to take those values and _inside the language_ retrieve the value they refer to. ie I would be able to type something like this to get this sort of behaviour: >>> refstack = id(stack) >>> refstack_ = id(stack_) >>> STACK = !refstack >>> STACK_ = !refstack_ >>> STACK () >>> STACK_ () This means one of two things: * Either "stack" by itself is a reference to (), but we cannot get at the reference itself, just the value it refers to. * OR "stack" is the preferred way of dereferencing the reference associated with stack, and to get at the actual reference we do id(stack). The problem is i) is incomplete in terms of being a reference, since we can only get at the r-value. The other one is that ii) is incomplete because we have no way of going from an l-value to an r-value. This means that *AS FAR AS THE LANGUAGE* is concerned whether the implementation looks or acts like it's implemented as call by reference or whatever, it is simpler and more correct to say that as far as the *LANGUAGE* is concerned, you pass in the object, which will be bound with a local name inside the function or method. Thus is is more correct to say that python the language only has aliases. By comparison, it's possible to demonstrate that Java does have references, because it is possible to box and unbox values to/from reference values: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/third_edition/html/conversions.html#190697 Thus whilst Java's semantics may be similar, python's differ in that Java, the language, has references and python, the language, has aliases. Now let's move to the implementation aspects. Python as a language is implemented in many languages. One of these is C. There are compilers to C (pypy), C++ (shedskin), for the JVM (Jython) and .net (Ironpython). There is also an executable operation semantics for python, which can be found here: http://gideon.smdng.nl/2009/01/an-executable-operational-semantics-for-python/ This set of operational semantics is written in Haskell. Haskell is a strictly pure, lazily evaluated language. It therefore has no pointers or references, just values and names. The implementation therefore cannot be in terms of references and pointers. Therefore to say "in reality the implementation will be passing a reference or pointer" is invalid. There is after all at least one implementation that does not rely on such machine oriented language details. What you find in terms of modelling the semantics, is that implementation is seeking to model those of the python virtual machine, and there that talks about values, objects, references and the heap. However in terms of modelling how the language is used this is not exposed at the language level. Indeed the only test it uses with regard to references involves the creation of a reference type _using_ python: class Reference(object) : pass Creating a reference: a = Ref() Setting the value the reference refers to: a.value = False Passing the reference to a function, and changing the value the reference: def bar(ref): ref.value = True bar(a) Whilst you might say "But that's wrong", note that .value on the right hand side is used for unboxing the value - it's syntactic sugar for a method call on the ref object. Specifically, it's the result of doing ref.__getattr__("value"). Likewise, ref.value on the left hand side of an equals is also syntactic sugar for boxing the value - specifically it's syntactic sugar for ref.__setattr__("value", <whatever>) That's the closest you can come to Java references in python - since otherwise you have no way to box or unbox any values. If you want to claim Python has java references with no ability to box or unbox any values, then maybe that's vaguely OK, but it's still _wrong_. You can claim it's LIKE java references, but since python doesn't have references, only aliases, you'd be wrong to claim they're the same as java references. And from a language spec - semantics, not implementation viewpoint - you'd also still be wrong because you can implement python without calling the values references. Specifically, the object model defined in src/Objects.lhs and src/ObjectTheory.lhs in the above reference operational semantics specification of python uses a functional heap to contain the objects. New objects are created there thus: rewrite (State ( heap ) envs stack ( FwApp (Prim "object" "__new__") (a_c:as) )) = (state ( heap <+> [a |-> ObjValue (new [__class__ |-> a_c]) NoneValue] ) envs stack ( BwResult a )) where a = freeAddr heap In this definition, which is compilable and executable (since it's haskell), there are no references, pointers or memory allocation. Thus to say that for this: def hello(world) print world hello("world") Saying that I *must* be passing in "world" by reference since implementation requires this, is false. In *an* implementation may do that, and indeed, it's the most obvious way of *implementing* it in many languages, but to say the language specifies it that way is incorrect. After all, in the Haskell implementation for example, the object itself is just passed in. ~~ interlude ~~ Now, if python DID add references, this would be pretty awesome because it's the most obvious way of adding in software transactional memory, since this usage of X.value is remarkably close to the way I deal with values in my implementation of software transactional memory for python which you'll find here: * http://www.kamaelia.org/STM And since python doesn't already have references, you wouldn't be changing existing semantics. This won't happen for a fair while at least for many reasons, not least the fact that there's a moratorium on language changes at present. ~~ end interlude ~~ Now if we return to CPython, we find that CPython is the most commonly used implementation of python. As a result much python code is written to work well with that implementation, rather than with any other. The CPython implementation has some limitations: * It is written in C * It cannot pass in actual objects (like haskell), only primitive values. * Therefore it has to pass in pointers to values to the parts of the subsystem that do the evaluation. * It has to track memory, and performs garbage collection. * Since it tracks garbage, it uses the parlance of garbage collection - specifically including references and reference counts. A reference count is however just a count of "who knows about this object and is keeping this alive") * All memory allocation lives in the heap, and as a result python objects sit there, and the implementation slings around pointers to these things. * Logically speaking (and at the language level), python objects may contain other objects. Specifically, a list may contain another object (or even itself). Both of these types of relationship cause the reference counts to increase. * The program running tracks the objects using names, and when an object stops being findable by another object (eg no longer in a list, and no longer labelled by someone), this is a trigger which the garbage collector can use to decide to delete the object. Given CPython is written in C, it becomes natural for CPython - the implementation - to therefore start talking about objects, pointers, references, reference counts and so on. Not only that since no programmer really likes memory leaks etc, actually knowing what the implementation is doing is *at times* useful to know. Since the language spec is tied up with a specific implementation, some of these details leak into the language of the document. So yes, as a pragmatic python programmer, I do care about reference counts. I do care about weakrefs which don't increase reference counts. I do care about when values are created and deleted. However, I only do so because of the *implementation* not because of the specification. When it comes to talking about the language, saying "it's pointers" over and over or saying "it's references" over and over or even saying "it's references/pointers as defined by java" over and over does NOT make it correct. If you move forward and accept that python THE LANGUAGE uses names and objects, and names are more like labels stuck onto objects than names of boxes that objects can sit inside, you'll move forward somewhat. If you don't, that's fine, but stating your version of "truth" as correct, when told many times you are incorrect is either ignorance, arrogance, pigheadedness or stupidity. I have chosen to believe it's ignorance, and assuming good faith. Now, I did say I'd pick out the inflammatory parts of how you've spoken to me, and I will just leave them as that. You will hopefully see how they're inflammatory and modify your behaviour in future. Please note though, I will pick out one point. I was not using Wikipedia as a means of argument by authority. I was using it as a starting point for a discussion which I thought many could use as a valid starting point - since whilst not perfect, and can be highly inaccurate in places, it does form one of the few places where people generally eventually reach some form of consensus. The fact that you've previously editted, fine. Good. That's very civic minded of you and I thank you for it. The idea that somehow bringing in an acceptable definition from some source that you've effectively stated you agree with as valid (because you've editted it), somehow invalidates the meat of my points I find a little bizarre. I'll put that down to cultural differences. Anyway, here's the points I find inflammatory, and rather than respond, I'll leave them as is. I'll also not be responding to any further mails containing inflammatory comments. You can think this stupid or annoying, but quite frankly, I don't see the point. Hopefully nothing I have said above you personally find inflammatory, if you do, I apologise in advance. I do hope that my mail has moved your understanding of python calling conventions on. I primarily do this because I hope that you do not pass on your misunderstandings as fact, when in fact they are not - because doing so would do others a disservice. Regards, Michael. Inflammatory comments (from my personal viewpoint) On Feb 12, 8:22 pm, "Alf P. Steinbach" <al...@start.no> wrote: > It would seem to readers that posters here do not grasp and are > unable to grasp that distinction. The posters here do understand that distinction. > However, all those references to implementation aspects, > persisting in the face of corrections, Stating something is a correction does not make that correction true. If I state it's call by sharing, and that happens to be the definition, then correcting me and calling it call by value or call by reference does not make that correction true. If you are told something repeatedly by many sources, perhaps consider you may be wrong. > have just, IMHO, been consistent attempts at misrepresentation. This can be taken as posters choosing to misrepresent your words, and is equivalent to the question "When did you stop beating your wife?", and equally offensive. > I'm sorry to disappoint, but no. It was a random Google hit to find > a first-year text that perhaps posters here could understand. You have been talking to many people who have been around python for sometime, including those who've worked on python's internals. Assuming that they need "educating" as CS101 students is offensive. > Not insinuiting anything about heir mental prowess or lack > thereof, No. It does - whether you like it or not. Communication is about 2 (or more) parties communicating. The sender of a message should care more about how their message is recieved than how it is sent. In my case, my goal of sending you a message was to educate. Your goal APPEARS to have the purpose of defending a position you hold strongly, to the extent of ignoring the effect on others. If you think "That's their problem", then I can just correct you, and then ignore you. If that's a misrepresentation of your goals, then maybe telling you is helpful. I don't know. I do know thoughI've made that sort of mistake in the past (not to anyone here, but I have done), and realised my mistake and been grown up enough to recognise my mistake and apologise. I feel you have made that mistake here. Whether you apologise is your call. I would. > but just something they might understand given a repeatedly > demonstrated inability to understand such basics, or even to > understand the concept of reference to a definition of a term. No, they do not agree with you. This is not the same as not understanding, or lacking the mental ability to understand "basic terms". If I said you lacked the ability to understand such basics of human interaction, you'd probably be rather offended. If, at the same time, I demonstrated a complete inability to understand such basics myself, you would find such remarks inflammatory. > Please do consider that my usage of the term "pointer" has > always, in this thread, including the first article I posted > in this thread, been with explicit reference to the Java > language spec's meaning. I understand this. What you seem to misunderstand is that others also understand this. They also understand that Pointer as viewed from the Java Language Spec *IS* a different concept. There may be similarities, but the fact that you can unbox and rebox a Java Reference (as per reference above), where you *cannot* in python because, well, you can't, IS a fundamentally different concept. Conceptually you pass in the object in python. Not the object. Java has to say you pass in a reference because Java has the concept of references which may be box and unbox values. > You may argue that those who wrote that language spec are > confused about things or whatever, but that's rather stretching > it, wouldn't you say? No it isn't, there's others who claim exactly the same thing about the Java Language Spec. In python, the language spec was written by those who wrote CPython, therefore their terms are clouded by concrete details. If they weren't, they'd use the term aliases more often. > So, this must be the most silly "argument by authority" > ever offered. This is inflammatory because you are deriding my premise as "silly" because you have chosen to not ask yourself *why* I chose to use that as a starting point, and then chose to ignore all my points and arguments, deriding it as "silly". That's rather inflammatory when someone is seeking to educate you in the hope of making it such that you understand better and those you come in contact with learn the correct semantics, rather than what you think the semantics are, despite being told otherwise. > I find that amusing and would have included a smiley except that > I think that that would incur further flames. Please not I have not flamed you. I have ignored your inflammatory remarks except to note how I find them inflammatory towards myself and others. The assumption that I would flame you I do actually find relatively offensive. I've stayed out of many flame wars for many years, and generally find that seeking to understand why the opposing side in an argument is saying what they do can actually often either resolve differences or lead to an agreement to disagree. Likewise I have tried to stay away from making suggestions as to how you should change your behaviour since that could be considered inflammatory by some. > It's no criticism of you; I do appreciate your effort, thanks. This comes across as dismissive, given you ignored the entire body of my mail, and decided to deride it as "silly". > And I reiterate that the meaning of "pointer" I have used is > the meaning in the Java language spec. This assumes I have not read the thread. I have. I read the statement above numerous times. I also however have read the Java Language Spec (you are not the only person to have done this of course), and do NOT agree with you. Indeed I can see usecases where *adding* references to python, the language, could be useful. However, since they're not there, I can't. > And that that's about semantics, not about implementation, > and not about C pointers or Pascal pointers or whatever else > that some would rather wish it was. Unfortunately, you have picked a language whose semantics for references include the concept of being able to box and unbox object references. You cannot do that in python. Boxing and unboxing references is just another term for referencing and dereferencing values. Again, something you can't do in python. Again, by ignoring the meat of my argument and reiterating your point, you come across as willfulling ignoring logical rational arguments put your way in as non-inflammatory was as possible, decrying all those who disagree with you as somehow stupid, misrepresentational or ignorant. By doing so, your mail as a whole is rather inflammatory, but I've decided to only send one mail in reply to you and then leave it at that. > In the following that I snipped you had good discussion except > for (as I could see) a fallacy-based denial of references > existing in Python. No, it's not denial, it's an understanding of programming languages borne from having used a wide variety of languages from Assembler (Z80, 6502, 6800), BASIC, pascal, C, C++, Java, COBOL, Occam, Fortran, Perl, Python, Ruby, E, SML, Haskell, Prolog, Lisp, and several others I've probably forgotten I've used now over well over a quarter of century of usage. I've used languages which are reference only, object only, value only, etc. My conclusion that python is call by object sharing is based on 8 years experience of using python, and changing my views from early on viewing it as pointers/references to understand that the semantics are much closer to that of an impure functional language where you pass complex objects *themselves* (from a _semantic_ perspective). To claim that I am in "denial", somehow implies that I am either inexperienced, stupid, or unwilling to call a hammer a hammer or a screwdriver a screwdriver. I'm not. I'm simply unwilling to call a hammer a screwdriver or call a screw a nail. > I don't think there's any point in discussing that further, > because it's evidently a religious matter where rational > arguments This is inflammatory, since you dismiss my arguments now as religious rather than rational. I find that moderately disgusting and offensive. > -- and I've tried a few You have not appeared to try to understand where my argument is coming from sadly, despite me doing the same for yours. You have dismissed my disagreement as religious, rather than seeking to understanding the rational argument you have been presented, and have not argued against it. I however am seeking to be precise, by choosing NOT to use terms like reference, because they are incorrect. > -- don't reach, in spite of the extreme triviality of the > subject matter. Far from being trivial, understanding that you cannot unbox "the value" of a python object is rather fundamental to the understanding of python. Understanding that you are passing around (logically speaking) the actual object explains for example why this style of coding confuses people when they start with python: >>> class MyObject(object): ... def __init__(self, store=[]): ... self.store = store ... def append(self, X): ... self.store.append(X) ... def pop(self): ... return self.store.pop() ... >>> X = MyObject() >>> Y = MyObject() >>> X.append(10) >>> Y.pop() 10 The misunderstanding that people have is that they assume that this: ... def __init__(self, store=[]): Results in a new empty object being created every time, whereas actually it's created at the point the def statement is run, specifically here: >>> MyObject.__init__.im_func.func_defaults ([],) The fact I can get *an* object id thus: >>> id(MyObject.__init__.im_func.func_defaults[0]) 3078510124L >>> id(X.store) 3078510124L >>> id(Y.store) 3078510124L Is pretty irrelevant. It's not a reference - it's an opaque value that happens to be useful when debugging for telling whether I've got the same object or not. Otherwise the objects themselves would have no default name, and no way of telling if THIS list is different fron THAT list. However, by understanding that the [] object is created when the def statement is evaluated and the object reused by all subsequent calls, rather than being created when the object is called explains much more clearly WHY the code works the way it does. Yes, you can make a similar argument in terms of references, and under the hood that's what happens with pointers to an empty list object stored on the heap. However, in terms of semantics, it's an actual python object, not a reference. After all python is a HUMAN oriented language, not a machine oriented language. A reference says "this thing over here". An object is a thing. The latter is more HUMAN, the former is machine oriented. > Thanks for the effort at non-flaming discussion, > it *is* appreciated. It does not appear that way, since you have chosen to assume that I don't understand the thrust of your arguments, rather than disagree with them. You have chosen to assume that my arguments are wrong and used or made for religious reasons rather than rational ones - such as the desire to be precise. I sincerely hope that my reply does not offend or inflame you, since that is not the intent. I do hope it educates you and puts into context the responses you have gained from others. After all, one simply shouting in a corner saying "YOU'RE ALL WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. I'M RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT", when one does not to understand what one is talking about does not tend to engender warm fluffy feelings or sentiments of authority towards such an individual. Be it me, you, or anyone else. At the moment, you appear to me to be engaging in such a behaviour. Now you don't know from Jack and probably don't care about my viewpoint, but I would really appreciate it if you would try not to be inflammatory in your response to this. (Since you do appear to also have a need to have the last word) Hoping this was useful on some level, Michael. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list