zeph wrote:
4) It's better to collect all your eventual output into a string that
you print - there are examples at [3]. You can import from other
modules as needed (even conditionally), grow your string for output,
then finally print it like (this example was adapted from one found on
output = '<html><head>'
output += '<title>My Page</title>'
output += '</head><body>'
output += '<h1>Powers of two</h1>\n<ol>'
for n in range(1,11):
output += '<li>'+str(2**n)+'</li>'
output += '</ol></body></html>'
print output
You can copy-paste this right into your Python interactive shell to
see the output. Note: += is inline string concatenation.
It's better to put the strings into a list and then concatenate them in
one go:
output = ['<html><head>']
output.append('<title>My Page</title>')
output.append('<h1>Powers of two</h1>\n<ol>')
for n in range(1, 11):
output.append('<li>%s</li>' % (2 ** n))
print ''.join(output)