Greetings. I'm 35 yrs old self learner and who do daily PHP coding for food more than a decade.
After ten years of PHP coding I'm getting bored and give try for learning new things. After 3 days of crawling google, diving in python and cursing, now I can show something on my linux/apache/mod_wsgi setup. And i'm struck on something. I had CMS design. It works with PHP very well. And I want to transfer my design in Python. My design depends on a Global Array. A huge array which store everything about requested Web page for a final rendering. In PHP accessing globals is easy. You may do direct access or use class something like ZEND Registry. I'm looking for similar facility in python world. Also I have couple of questions. 1-) Can I create Global (read/write access anywhere from my code) Multi dimensional, associative array (or hash) and store any kind of variable type. 2-) Is there any error trigger for mod_wsgi. When something go bad I god Internal Server error. Looking for error log was't nice. Is there any way to shows errors in the web page ? 3-) Any documents books sites about helping moving from php to python 4-) In php we had someting like ob_start(); // start Output buffering require('hede.php'); // include phtml similar to psp. mixed language and html (to avoiding string replacement (or marker based) html templates) $var = ob_get_clean(); // get rendered output and use anywhere can find a similar abilities in Python ? 5-) is there any Python documentation based on examples. When I give up about to finding php's $_REQUEST or $_SERVER equivalents in python some demo code in Twisted docs are much helpful than any other words. Me and my kind already have problem with English language. Example code much more helpful than full academic description. Thanks for support and patience for this old noob. Regards... --