Maniac wrote:

> Florian Lindner wrote:
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "", line 40, in ?
>>    c = ConfigReader(f)
>>  File "", line 32, in __init__
>>    print sourceNode.getElementsByTagName("filename")[0].nodeValue()
>>TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
> This is because nodeValue here is 'None' and 'None()' doesn't make
> sense. Looks like you want the thing between <filename> and </filename>.
> This is not a nodeValue, this is nodeValue of firstChild of element
> 'filename'. So this should work:
> print sourceNode.getElementsByTagName("filename")[0].firstChild.nodeValue

Ok, works perfect. Thanks!

But I don't really understand the logic:

given I have the node A


A.firstChild.nodeValue == path

How would the second child of A look like? (ok, None in this case) How would
a XML fragment look like that has a second child?

What would be the nodeValue of A?

for me a child of a node is something like

  <child1 />
  <child2 />



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