Florian Lindner wrote:

>But I don't really understand the logic:
>given I have the node A
>A.firstChild.nodeValue == path
>How would the second child of A look like? (ok, None in this case)
Yes. It's actually required by DOM standard: NodeList (which is returned 
from getElementsByTagName) should return 'null' (None in Python) on 
unknown index: 

> How would
>a XML fragment look like that has a second child?
Like this for example:

or like this:

<filename>I'm a text child node <ElementChildNode/></filename>

>What would be the nodeValue of A?
It's not related to children. There are several types of nodes: 
documents, elements, text, comments, processing instructions (things in 
<??>)... Their nodeValue depends on their nature.

>for me a child of a node is something like
>  <child1 />
>  <child2 />
Almost :-). Here filename has actually 5 nodes:
1. text node '\n  '
2. element node 'child'
3. text node '\n  '
4. element node 'child'
5. text node '\n'

In other words: in DOM whitespace counts.

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