(This reply was offline, but I forwarded parts so that others with Google App Engine experience might jump in)

Ahmed Barakat wrote:
.... but I was trying to make use of everything provided by App engine.


On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 1:27 AM, Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:

Ahmed Barakat wrote:

In case I have a  huge datastore (10000 entries, each entry has like 6
properties), what is the best way
to handle the search within such a huge datastore, and what if I want to
make a generic search, for example
you write a word and i use it to search within all properties I have for

Is the conversion to XML a good solution, or it is not?

sorry for being new to web development, and python.

Thanks in advance.

I don't see anything about your query which is specific to web development,
and there's no need to be apologetic for being new anyway.

One person's "huge" is another person's "pretty large."  I'd say 10000
items is pretty small if you're working on the desktop, as you can readily
hold all the data in "memory."  I edit text files bigger than that.   But
I'll assume your data really is huge, or will grow to be huge, or is an
environment which treats it as huge.

When you're parsing large amounts of data, there are always tradeoffs
between performance and other characteristics, usually size and complexity.
 If you have lots of data, you're probably best off by using a standard code
system -- a real database.  The developers of such things have decades of
experience in making certain things fast, reliable, and self-consistent.

But considering only speed here, I have to point out that you have to
understand databases, and your particular model of database, pretty well to
really benefit from all the performance tricks in there.  Keeping it
abstract, you specify what parts of the data you care about fast random
access to.  If you want fast search access to "all" of it, your database
will generally be huge, and very slow to updates.  And the best way to avoid
that is to pick a database mechanism that best fits your search mechanism.
I hate to think how many man-centuries Google has dedicated to getting fast
random word access to its *enormous* database.  I'm sure they did not build
on a standard relational model.

If you plan to do it yourself, I'd say the last thing you want to do is use
XML.  XML may be convenient way to store self-describing data, but it's not
quick to parse large amounts of it.  Instead, store the raw data in text
form, with separate index files describing what is where.  Anything that's
indexed will be found rapidly, while anything that isn't will require search
of the raw data.

There are algorithms for searching raw data that are faster than scanning
every byte, but a relevant index will almost always be faster.


Clearly, you left a few things out of your original query. Now that you mention App Engine, I'm guessing you meant Google's Datastore and that this whole query is about building a Google app. So many of my comments don't apply, because I was talking about a desktop environment, using (or not using) a traditional (relational) database.

I've never used Google's AppEngine, and never done a database web-app. So I'm the wrong person to give more than general advice.

Google's Datastore is apparently both more and less powerful than a relational database, and web apps have very different tradeoffs. So you need to respecify the problem, giviing the full requirements first, and maybe somebody with more relevant experience will then respond.

Meanwhile, try the following links, and see if any of them help.



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