Hi, Recently I put together this incomplete comparison chart in an attempt to choose between the different alternatives to py2exe:
http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tZ42hjaRunvkObFq0bKxVdg&output=html Columns represent methods of deploying to end-users such that they don't have to worry about installing Python, packages or other dependencies. 'Bundle' represents manually bundling an interpreter with your app. 'Bootstrap' represents a fanciful idea of mine to include an installer that downloads and installs an interpreter if necessary. This sounds fiddly, since it would have to install side-by- side with any existing interpreters of the wrong version, without breaking anything. Has anyone done this? The remaining columns represent the projects out there I could find which would do the bundling for me. Are there major things I'm missing or misunderstanding? Perhaps folks on the list would care to rate (+1/-1) rows that they find important or unimportant, or suggest additional rows that would be important to them. Maybe an updated and complete version of this table would help people agree on what's important, and help the various projects to improve faster. Best regards, Jonathan -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list