On Nov 3, 2009, at 7:06 PM, Gabriel Genellina wrote:

En Tue, 03 Nov 2009 23:06:58 -0300, Kee Nethery <k...@kagi.com> escribió:

If there was a place in the official docs for me to append these nuggets of information to the sections for "xml.etree.ElementTree.XML(text)" and "xml.etree.ElementTree.dump(elem)" I would absolutely do so.

http://bugs.python.org/ applies to documentation too.

I've submitted documentation bugs in the past and no action was taken on them, the bugs were closed. I'm guessing that information "that everyone knows" not being in the documentation is not a bug. It's my fault I'm a newbie and I accept that. Thanks to you two for helping me get past this block.


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