Having an issue with elementtree XML() in python 2.6.4.

This code works fine:

     from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
getResponse = u'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <customer><shipping><state>bobble</state><city>head</ city><street>city</street></shipping></customer>'''
     theResponseXml = et.XML(getResponse)

This code errors out when it tries to do the et.XML()

     from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
getResponse = u'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <customer><shipping><state>\ue58d83\ue89189\ue79c8C</state><city> \ue69f8f\ue5b882</city><street>\ue9ab98\ue58d97\ue58fb03</street></ shipping></customer>'''
     theResponseXml = et.XML(getResponse)

In my real code, I'm pulling the getResponse data from a web page that returns as XML and when I display it in the browser you can see the Japanese characters in the data. I've removed all the stuff in my code and tried to distill it down to just what is failing. Hopefully I have not removed something essential.

Why is this not working and what do I need to do to use Elementtree with unicode?

Thanks, Kee Nethery

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