On Sep 27, 4:13 pm, "Martin P. Hellwig" <martin.hell...@dcuktec.org>
> Nash wrote:
> <cut can't get enough Python Developers>
> I think normal market rules will apply to Pakistan too, if your desired
> trade has not the quantity you wish, the price per item should get
> higher. Net result should be that more quantity will be available due to
> increased interest.
> --
> MPHhttp://blog.dcuktec.com
> 'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

If I rephrase the question: In an absense of steady Python Developers;
can there be a viable strategy involving training? Or will it be much
safer going with an already common developer pool.

Please note that my goal is not to promote python but to make a sound
business decision. Using Python is not an absolute requirement.

I appreciate all the feedback thus far, please keep it coming in,
thanks everyone!

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