On Sep 14, 9:08 pm, Oltmans <rolf.oltm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there someway I can improve the following code(pythonically)?
> (Copying from IDLE)
> match=[1,2,3,4,5]
> def elementsPresent(aList):
>         result=False
>         if not aList:
>                 return False
>         for e in aList:
>                 if e in match:
>                         result=True
>                 else:
>                         result = False
>         return result
>  elementsPresent([6,7,8,9,5]) # should return True because 5 is
> present in list named match.
> Is there somehow I can improve code in elementsPresent()? I'm not a
> very good programmer but I sense that idea of using a variable named
> 'result' inside elementsPresent() doesn't sound very good. Any ideas
> will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Oltmans

It's not really relevant to this particular task (since you want to
stop after finding an 'e' in match) but whenever you're doing
something like this:

if e in match:
    result = True
    result = False

You can just assign the result of the boolean expression directly to
your result:

result = e in match


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