On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 11:34:53 GMT, "chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The problem I have is as follows:
>I have a recursive function b(k)
>b(k) = -(A/k**2)*(b(k-2) - b(k-5))
>k<0, b(k)=0
>k=0, b(k)=1
>k=1, b(k)=0
>eg. b(2) = -A/4
>      b(3) = 0
>      b(4) = A**2/64
>note that as k increases b(k) can itself be a sum of terms in powers of A
>rather than a single power of A in the examples above.
>Summing all terms and equating to zero gives:
>F= sum b(k) = 0 for all k = 0, infinity
>When this is expanded I get a polynomial F(A). I want to determine the
>coefficients of the polynomial so that I can find the roots of the function
>F up to a specified order of A.
>I have yet to code this but I was hoping for some ideas on how to do this
>I figure I can compute each b(k) and store the numeric value(s) and
>associated powers of A. Then collect coefficients for like powers of A.
>Finally I have a set of polynomial coefficients in A which I can pass to
>Any suggestions on how I might do this efficiently? I have no doubt I can
>get this done with brute force, but I would prefer to explore more elegant
>means which I look to the masters for.

Does this look right?

b(-5) -> 0
b(-4) -> 0
b(-3) -> 0
b(-2) -> 0
b(-1) -> 0
 b(0) -> 0
 b(1) -> 0
 b(2) -> -A/4
 b(3) -> 0
 b(4) -> A**2/64
 b(5) -> A/25
 b(6) -> -A**3/2304
 b(7) -> -29*A**2/4900
 b(8) -> A**4/147456
 b(9) -> 563*A**3/2116800
b(10) -> A**2/2500 -A**5/14745600
b(11) -> -5927*A**4/1024531200
b(12) -> -43*A**3/980000 +A**6/2123366400
b(13) -> 824003*A**5/11081329459200
b(14) -> 16397*A**4/10372320000 -A**7/416179814400
b(15) -> A**3/562500 -1260403*A**6/1994639302656000

Bengt Richter

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