You could probably use scipy.base.polynomial, but it's easy enough to implement a polynomial yourself. Just use a dict-- each key represents the power and each value the coefficient of the polynomial.
You didn't say exactly how efficient you need this. It takes only a couple seconds to sum 100 of the b(k)'s using the implementation below. This gets you roots out to about A=500. Perhaps there are bugs in the below implementation. Either way, you can compare your results and its results and if they're not the same, well then there's a problem. ------------------------------------------ from rational import rational #get from def add(a, b, s=1): c = {} for k, v in b.items(): if not a.has_key(k): c[k] = s*v for k, v in a.items(): vb = b.get(k, 0) c[k] = a[k] + s*vb return c def raise1(a): b = {} for k, v in a.items(): b[k+1] = v return b def scale(a, s): b = {} for k, v in a.items(): b[k] = v*s return b def eval(x, p): s = 0.0 for k, v in p.items(): s = s + float(v.num)/float(v.den)*x**k return s b = {-3 : {}, -2 : {}, -1 : {}, 0 : {0:rational(1,1)}, 1 : {}} N = 100 for k in range(2,N): b[k] = scale(raise1(add(b[k-5],b[k-2],-1)),rational(1,k**2)) o = [b[0]] for k in range(1, N): o.append(add(o[-1], b[k])) for x in range(0,800): print x, eval(x, o[-3]), eval(x, o[-2]), eval(x, o[-1]) # o[-1],o[-2], and o[-3] start to split around x = 500 --