Peter Hansen wrote:
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 17:24:36 +0300, Christos "TZOTZIOY" Georgiou:
I don't know any related myth of anglo-saxon origin to quote.
The most commonly known phrasing would likely be "God only helps
those who help themselves".
Google suggests that removing the word "only" produces a
phrase many times more commonly known...
And very interesting reading (to spawn another diversion
typical to c.l.p), such as the third link in Google
titled "Vessel of Honour: ..." (content available only
via the "Cached" link), which points out that this
biblical-sounding phrase was never in the bible,
but actually comes *from Greek mythology*, and specifically
(it claims) from the same story as Christos has
quoted, except that the "god" in question was Hercules
and other details differ somewhat...
Of course, the very next link then claims that it was
in fact the great god himself, Benjamin Franklin, who
gave us this phrase...
No doubt this is right up there with the origins of
"may you leave in interesting times". :-)