Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou wrote:
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 09:23:43 -0400, rumours say that rbt
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

Are there any plans in the near future to support PDF files in Python as thoroughly and completely as Perl does?

Before we let you know about our plans, what are *your* plans on this
subject? :) [0]

I just want to read PDF files in a portable way (windows, linux, mac) from within Python.

I love Python's clean syntax and ease of use, etc. But on some things (PDF for example) as barbaric as Perl's syntax is, it does outshine Python... I hate having to use Perl just to deal with PDF files.

There are two issues here: a) a language, b) its library.  You imply
that the Perl syntax outshines Python's because it has _more thorough
and complete support for PDF_, as you say.  I don't see a connection,
but rather I see a lure to provoke answers

I do not seek to provoke. Sorry if my question comes across that way to you. --

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